[RO/EN] Model - Upgrade Request

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Smecher de smecher mafiot
Smecher de smecher mafiot
Posts: 29
Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2020 6:48 pm
Location: Bucuresti


Code: Select all

1. Nume în joc:
2. Gradul deținut în prezent:
3. Ore jucate pe sever: 
4. Zile pe server de la adminul actual:  
5. De ce vrei un grad mai mare? (min 10 cuvinte):
6. Data cand am primit admin sau ultimul upgrade:

Code: Select all

1. In-game Name:  
2. Current Rank:  
3. Hours Played on the Server:  
4. Days as an Admin on the Server:  
5. Why do you want a higher rank? (min. 10 words):  
6. Date when you received admin or last upgrade: 
Requirements based on the desired rank:
Moderator - 50+ hours and 14+ days as Administrator;
Semi-God - 100+ hours and 30+ days as Moderator;
God - 150+ hours and 30+ days as Semi-God.
Manager - 200+ hours and 60+ days as God.

If a staff member has active warning(s), they can only apply for a rank upgrade after clearing them.

RO: Nu se pot face cereri de upgrade în timp ce aveți inactivitate postată sau graficul activității voastre are găuri în el.
EN: You cannot request a rank upgrade while you have an inactivity notice posted or if your activity graph has gaps.