[EN] Admins Guide
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2025 10:16 pm
No matter what happens, don't forget that the server is more important than you. The well-being and smooth running of the game is necessary at all hours of the day, but for that, a few simple conditions are required: activity from the admins, vigilance, understanding, and helping others. The CS.EXTREAMCS.COM STAFF has donned new clothes and expanded its family. New people, new rules, new conditions, as mentioned above. We provide you with an "admin guide" for newcomers or even for higher ranks who have forgotten the theory and become complacent.
I. The Beginning
The lowest rank is "Reserved Name," and you have the ability to register yourself on our website: https://cs.extreamcs.com/register
What do you get extra?
- No one can join the server with your name anymore;
- Soon, you can become part of the STAFF;
- You take responsibility for all your actions;
- You will automatically have an account registered on the forum.
Basic rules for beginners:
- Read the rules (actually read them).
- Don’t beg for VIP/rank, the admin will gag you.
- Don't swear.
- Don't cheat.
II. Administrator
As an administrator, you have access to amx_ commands and should behave accordingly (seriously, vigilantly, with understanding, and helping new players). You are responsible for the smooth running of the game, what do I mean by this? Make sure there’s no vulgar language on the server, no cheats, etc. Don’t stand idle, act, but do so wisely. Don’t let pride lead you, don’t use your rank to take revenge on those on your blacklist. As an admin, you’ve started a new session, and you weren’t promoted to take revenge or act recklessly on the server. If you do this, your rank will be removed, and you will NEVER have the chance to get it back.
A minimum list of important commands:
status - shows the SteamID and unique in-game ID of players.
amx_gag - mutes a player.
amx_kick - kicks a player off the server.
amx_banip - bans a player already on the server.
amx_addban - bans a player who has left the server.
amx_slap - slaps a camper.
amx_slay - kills a camper.
amx_votemapmenu - menu with valid maps you can vote for (only 3 maps are voted for, don’t add maps not in the menu).
amx_map - loads the desired map (only if absolutely necessary or with a higher rank’s consent).
amx_last - shows the IPs of players who have left the server.
amx_ip - shows the IP of a selected player.
amx_checkip - checks if a player is connected to a selected IP.
amx_votemap - votes for manually listed maps.
amx_cancelvote - cancels an ongoing vote.
record (desired name) - starts a demo.
stop - stops the demo.
These are the basic commands you need to master and know. The rest of the commands can be seen in the console by using the command amx_help.
III. Moderator
You are now an important member of the STAFF and must behave accordingly. You should know all the commands and be able to apply them correctly and to the right people.
IV. Semi-God
If you’ve reached here, know that you must already be a role model for the new players, teaching them what they don’t know, answering their questions, but don’t let it get to your head because the God rank is above you.
V. God
If you’ve reached here, know that your responsibility is enormous, and you have access to most of the commands on the server.
VI. Important Information for All Admins
How to ban a player correctly?
To ban a player correctly, without asking for WarGods, you must have evidence (a demo). After banning the player, you are required to post the demo on Discord, in the Banlist section. If the player files an unban request and you have no evidence, you will be sanctioned, and the player will get unbanned, so be careful.
How to ban a player with an "invalid" name?
To ban a player who uses invalid characters, you can ban them using their ID, which you get with the status command.
For banning a player by SteamID:
Syntax: amx_ban <nick, #userid, authid> <time, e.g., 7d / 3h, etc.> <reason>
Example: amx_ban "#2408" 30d aim (the player's ID appears next to the name shown by status).
Example by name: amx_ban Syko 30d aim.
For banning a player by IP:
Syntax: amx_banip <nick, #userid> <time, e.g., 7d / 3h, etc.> <reason>
Example: amx_ban "#2408" 30d aim (the player's ID appears next to the name shown by status).
Example by name: amx_banip Syko 30d aim.
For banning a player who has disconnected from the server by SteamID/IP (whichever is available):
Syntax: amx_addban <name> <authid or ip> <time, e.g., 7d / 3h, etc.> <reason>
Examples: amx_addban Toast_. "STEAM_0:0:64109866" 30d "aimbot"
amx_addban Toast_. "" 30d "aimbot"
Example for names/reasons with multiple words:
amx_addban "Syko Este Regele" "" 30d "aimbot and wall"
Always use quotation marks (required only for SteamID or names/reasons with two or more words), otherwise the command won’t work.
How to create a demo:
To record a demo, use the command record (enter the desired name for the demo; I will use the server address):
Examples: record extreamcs or record syko or record syko03.03.2025, etc.
After recording what’s necessary, use the command stop. The demo will be saved in the cstrike folder.
Search for the demo by the name you chose and post it on Discord. (In case of an unban request, you will be sanctioned if you don’t have a demo).
The path to the demo if you have CS on Steam: Local Disk (the partition where Steam is installed)/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike.
How to request WarGods:
First, you need to give the player time to prepare. WarGods is not a foolproof method and requires a lot of patience.
If the player leaves the server, you can directly ban them.
You will not be sanctioned, even if the staff decides to unban them.
WarGods has many errors and doesn’t always work, so don’t be stubborn if someone needs help. If you’ve taken on the responsibility of requesting WG, be patient for at least 10 minutes, maybe even 15.
For any questions or complaints, contact the server administration. The list can be seen here: memberlist.php?mode=team
I. The Beginning
The lowest rank is "Reserved Name," and you have the ability to register yourself on our website: https://cs.extreamcs.com/register
What do you get extra?
- No one can join the server with your name anymore;
- Soon, you can become part of the STAFF;
- You take responsibility for all your actions;
- You will automatically have an account registered on the forum.
Basic rules for beginners:
- Read the rules (actually read them).
- Don’t beg for VIP/rank, the admin will gag you.
- Don't swear.
- Don't cheat.
II. Administrator
As an administrator, you have access to amx_ commands and should behave accordingly (seriously, vigilantly, with understanding, and helping new players). You are responsible for the smooth running of the game, what do I mean by this? Make sure there’s no vulgar language on the server, no cheats, etc. Don’t stand idle, act, but do so wisely. Don’t let pride lead you, don’t use your rank to take revenge on those on your blacklist. As an admin, you’ve started a new session, and you weren’t promoted to take revenge or act recklessly on the server. If you do this, your rank will be removed, and you will NEVER have the chance to get it back.
A minimum list of important commands:
status - shows the SteamID and unique in-game ID of players.
amx_gag - mutes a player.
amx_kick - kicks a player off the server.
amx_banip - bans a player already on the server.
amx_addban - bans a player who has left the server.
amx_slap - slaps a camper.
amx_slay - kills a camper.
amx_votemapmenu - menu with valid maps you can vote for (only 3 maps are voted for, don’t add maps not in the menu).
amx_map - loads the desired map (only if absolutely necessary or with a higher rank’s consent).
amx_last - shows the IPs of players who have left the server.
amx_ip - shows the IP of a selected player.
amx_checkip - checks if a player is connected to a selected IP.
amx_votemap - votes for manually listed maps.
amx_cancelvote - cancels an ongoing vote.
record (desired name) - starts a demo.
stop - stops the demo.
These are the basic commands you need to master and know. The rest of the commands can be seen in the console by using the command amx_help.
III. Moderator
You are now an important member of the STAFF and must behave accordingly. You should know all the commands and be able to apply them correctly and to the right people.
IV. Semi-God
If you’ve reached here, know that you must already be a role model for the new players, teaching them what they don’t know, answering their questions, but don’t let it get to your head because the God rank is above you.
V. God
If you’ve reached here, know that your responsibility is enormous, and you have access to most of the commands on the server.
VI. Important Information for All Admins
How to ban a player correctly?
To ban a player correctly, without asking for WarGods, you must have evidence (a demo). After banning the player, you are required to post the demo on Discord, in the Banlist section. If the player files an unban request and you have no evidence, you will be sanctioned, and the player will get unbanned, so be careful.
How to ban a player with an "invalid" name?
To ban a player who uses invalid characters, you can ban them using their ID, which you get with the status command.
For banning a player by SteamID:
Syntax: amx_ban <nick, #userid, authid> <time, e.g., 7d / 3h, etc.> <reason>
Example: amx_ban "#2408" 30d aim (the player's ID appears next to the name shown by status).
Example by name: amx_ban Syko 30d aim.
For banning a player by IP:
Syntax: amx_banip <nick, #userid> <time, e.g., 7d / 3h, etc.> <reason>
Example: amx_ban "#2408" 30d aim (the player's ID appears next to the name shown by status).
Example by name: amx_banip Syko 30d aim.
For banning a player who has disconnected from the server by SteamID/IP (whichever is available):
Syntax: amx_addban <name> <authid or ip> <time, e.g., 7d / 3h, etc.> <reason>
Examples: amx_addban Toast_. "STEAM_0:0:64109866" 30d "aimbot"
amx_addban Toast_. "" 30d "aimbot"
Example for names/reasons with multiple words:
amx_addban "Syko Este Regele" "" 30d "aimbot and wall"
Always use quotation marks (required only for SteamID or names/reasons with two or more words), otherwise the command won’t work.
How to create a demo:
To record a demo, use the command record (enter the desired name for the demo; I will use the server address):
Examples: record extreamcs or record syko or record syko03.03.2025, etc.
After recording what’s necessary, use the command stop. The demo will be saved in the cstrike folder.
Search for the demo by the name you chose and post it on Discord. (In case of an unban request, you will be sanctioned if you don’t have a demo).
The path to the demo if you have CS on Steam: Local Disk (the partition where Steam is installed)/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike.
How to request WarGods:
First, you need to give the player time to prepare. WarGods is not a foolproof method and requires a lot of patience.
If the player leaves the server, you can directly ban them.
You will not be sanctioned, even if the staff decides to unban them.
WarGods has many errors and doesn’t always work, so don’t be stubborn if someone needs help. If you’ve taken on the responsibility of requesting WG, be patient for at least 10 minutes, maybe even 15.
For any questions or complaints, contact the server administration. The list can be seen here: memberlist.php?mode=team