[EN] Model - Complaint

This is where complaints addressed to admins go. Only to admins.
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Smecher de smecher mafiot
Smecher de smecher mafiot
Posts: 29
Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2020 6:48 pm
Location: Bucuresti

Below is the model for filing a complaint. Make sure to follow the format strictly!

Code: Select all

In-game Name:
Accused Player's Name:
Reason for Accusation:
Date and Time of Incident:
Witnesses Present on the Server:
Evidence (screenshot or video):
Short Description: 
Complaints without evidence and witnesses will not be taken into consideration.
Do not modify/blur/edit the evidence; post the screenshot exactly as it was taken.
Demo evidence should not exceed 5 minutes. Record only the relevant part; we are not interested in the entire match. If necessary, you can provide two separate demos!
Create a "new topic" using the accused player's name, example: Complaint against Ionel.
Recommended site for image uploads: http://imgur.com/
Recommended site for demo uploads: http://www.girlshare.ro/