How to protect your password

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Smecher de smecher mafiot
Smecher de smecher mafiot
Posts: 29
Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2020 6:48 pm
Location: Bucuresti

Many of you have had your password hacked once or more times. So I created this topic to show you how to avoid such situations in the future.

To begin with, let me explain how your password can be hacked. It's actually very simple. When you join another server, your data can be taken, including your password and username. If the server owner knows which server you play on, then you have a big problem.

So, only use your password when you connect to CS.EXTREAMCS.COM. Before joining any other server, type the following in the console:

Code: Select all

setinfo _pw muie
When you want to join CS.EXTREAMCS.COM again, all you need to do is type the user password in the console like this:

Code: Select all

setinfo _pw password
Be careful and protect your password! If you suspect your password has been hacked, feel free to send me a PM. Also, feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions about the above.