[EN] Model - Admin Request

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Smecher de smecher mafiot
Smecher de smecher mafiot
Posts: 29
Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2020 6:48 pm
Location: Bucuresti

Below you will find the application template for admin. The most important criterion for applying is activity, so if you are not sure you can be active on the server, please do not apply!

Applicants must fill out the following template:

Code: Select all

1. In-game Name:
2. Age (minimum 14 years old):
3. First Name:
4. Contact (Discord):
5. Number of hours played:
6. Why do you want to be an admin? (a few words):
7. Can you be active daily? (Yes/No):
8. I have read the rules. If I do not meet the conditions, my application will be rejected: 
Applications must be submitted in this topic, DO NOT open a new topic.
You are not allowed to post multiple times.

WARNING: If you do not have the necessary time, do not apply. If you are accepted and then become inactive without notifying us, you will be removed without further notice.

Admins who wish to give a Pro/Contra vote can reply in the topic of each applicant.

Available Ranks List:
Manager - 1 slot(s) available out of 3.
God - 3 slot(s) available out of 6.
Semi-God - 6 slot(s) available out of 9.
Moderator - 6 slot(s) available out of 12.
Administrator - 6 slot(s) available out of 15.